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Tag : advertising


The old style divisions between paid and unpaid media, above and below the line, and seemingly infinite silos all end here. Everything we do is “advertising.” We make businesses and brands grow, and we drive the conversation that drives people to our clients’ worlds. Advertising. We love it.

DIGO Brands The Marlboro Cowboy

If you ever doubt the power of what we brand builders do, pause briefly to consider the Marlboro Cowboy.

This image helped to addict millions. This after it transformed a minor women’s cigarette brand into a legendary masculine number one brand smoked by men and women alike.

Consider what that word “Cowboy” means to the American psyche, and indeed to the world. This is branding and image-making par excellence. (more…)


Launched a new category, not just a new brand with end-to-end branding and communications.

How To Talk Trader, DIGO Style

Traders are an elusive and coveted audience. Yet these epitomes of self-directed consumers have broken many a marketer.
Whether retail or pro, the key to making it with traders is understanding the trader psyche’, tapping into the trader myth, and speaking trader language.
Here are some winning examples from the DIGO archives, (more…)