What We Can Learn From Instagram’s New Update
As many sources have reported, Instagram is currently in the testing phase of a new update that among other things, has most notably generated buzz by removing the ability for users to see the number of likes on their peers’ photos. (The app allows individuals to see their own likes, after clicking through the app a bit.)
This change comes during a time where digital media platforms have come under much scrutiny by an increasing number of end users who demand that these platforms become safer, more positive spaces. These updates have been very well received in the test markets and rollout plans appear to be on the horizon. This change, if adopted by the platform at large, would signal the dawn of a new age, not only in social media but marketing and advertising.
Influencer marketing has become a burgeoning and widely adopted channel of advertising, but with a number of high-profile abuses of such social influence have made the public wary of such irresponsible marketing tactics. By offering up this update, Instagram may be following the trend many social platforms have adopted by adjusting their algorithms in order to provide quality, relevant content that people truly wish to interact with.
Given this, some may assume that such changes are the death knell for social media marketing and advertising. However, we’d opt to think differently. Quality advertising is deeply rooted in a strong brand and crafting an agile presence that listens more than it talks. If the future of social media will no longer be based in likes, then we as advertisers are thus obliged to step up to the plate and dig deep to provide the real, honest, and truly quality content that the social world has come to expect.
So, as Instagram improves its platform, it will likely benefit millions of users, ushering in a new day for social media. As marketers and behavior change agents, we’ll always seek to optimize our content, to be more relevant, more engaging and more authentic. Because to us, it’s not just the future, its #InspiringAction.
(P.S.: If you enjoyed this blog post, give us a follow on Instagram: @dimassimogoldstein)