Efficiency vs. Hours: What I’ve been going on about and why.
Unlike most agencies, we do not bill by the hour.
I think you all know that I love to work and that I put in a lot of hours. But my focus is on results. The focus is on the results produced. For example, if you’re an account person, are you getting the best results and the best relationship for getting those results for your clients? But, that’s not all. Are you also getting those results in a way that uses our resources in the best possible way? Are you inspiring, clear, respectful, honest and efficient. Do people get better working on your stuff, so that they produce even better results on this project and the next? Value isn’t just about what is produced, but also about at what cost? If we can enrich each other while we focus on producing results, we will continue to get better and better, individually and together. Our value will be like an unstoppable force.
For more on efficiency vs. hours, read the NY Times article “They Work Long Hours, but What About Results?” here.