Team DIGO | 06/29/2010 | in
We love an articulate and informed fan… check this out from Growing a Green Family.
‘Tappening has got to be the best flipping anti-bottled water campaign ever created. Tappening was covered at the New York Times last year but I just learned about them today.’Tappening targets bottled water companies with a simple tactic (more…)
Team DIGO | 03/30/2009 | in
The Wall Street Journal / Blogs
By Kelly Spors
If you launch a public-awareness campaign about an important environmental cause – and then generate $6 million in sales from it — are you a greedy entrepreneur or a selfless environmentalist? Or both of the above?
That’s the question Mark DiMassimo and Eric Yaverbaum are asking.
Team DIGO | 03/29/2009 | in
The Philadelphia Inquirer
By Diane Mastrull
Going green in business might seem altruistic.
But just like health care, the environmental industry is a business sector – one of the few these recessionary days with growth potential. And those toiling in it hope not only to do some social good, but also to make money in the process.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Or is there?
A Web poll last week tried to gauge public sentiment on the greening of capitalism. When asked whether two New York marketers who promote the use of tap water and environmentally friendly bottles they sell are “greedy entrepreneurs,” “selfless environmentalists,” or “both,” respondents gave mixed reviews.