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Why I don’t have a proudest moment. And neither should you.

Chris Hansen Blog

By Chris Hansen, Sr. Copywriter at DiMassimo Goldstein

Earlier this week, I was asked to write a blog post describing my proudest moment while under the employ of DiMassimo Goldstein.

I couldn’t do it.

That’s not to say that I haven’t had my fair share of achievements and attaboys. Far from it. I’ve helped win new business pitches, created award-winning campaigns, swayed clients into buying great work, and all the other stuff that’s so frequently celebrated and glamorized in this business.

Who cares?

Seriously. Who gives a damn?

The way I look at it, as soon as you point to a singular moment as your crowning achievement, complacency starts to set in. You surrender to your own ego. You accept where the bar has been set and unwittingly say, “This is the best I can do.”

I’m not ready to settle so quickly.