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Author: Team DIGO


Growth. Improbable, competition-threatening, critic-silencing growth is our aim and our comfort zone. It is what our clients have come to expect. It starts with a brand story so large that the only way to live it out is to grow. And then a plan. We help you define what growth means for your organization. We help you to quantify and measure it. We help you build and test a theory of growth. Then, optimize it and roll it out. Rinse and repeat. At DIGO, the entire organization shares a singular measure of success — we succeed when our clients grow.

Why We Opted Out of Business Insider’s Sexiest Advertising Executives List.

Most people don’t know that Business Insider publishes an annual list of their picks for “the sexiest advertising executives.” This is probably a good thing.

After a short discussion, we at DiMassimo Goldstein opted out of the story and insisted that the editors of Business Insider remove us from the list.

Ultimately, a horror of objectifying advertising executives and the potential harm to the reputation of our industry outweighed our sincere pleasure in dominating the draft list, holding sixteen of the top twenty places and a healthy percentage of the remaining rankings as well.

We take the compliment.

But, at the end of the day, our sexiness is not what we sell. We sell our ability to help clients grow. The sexiness is really more like customer service… or atmosphere.

So, once again, thanks Business Insider. But no thanks. We will focus on making it with our brains.

For those who want to see the runner ups who, due to our decision to abstain, ended up on the list. Here you go!

NYHRC Celebrates 40 Years of Advancing Fitness


New York Health & Racquet Club (NYHRC) put fitness on the map in NYC when it first opened its doors in 1973. Now, of course, New Yorkers have more exercise options than NYC has pizza joints. Yet they keep coming back to NYHRC, the original NYC health club, where they feel part of a tight-knit community of health-conscious people in pursuit of fitness and vitality.

At any of NYHRC’s nine Manhattan locations, virtually any fitness need or interest can be met, whether on your own and taking advantage of the well-equipped gym floor, or with the guidance of seasoned group fitness instructors and certified personal trainers.

NYHRC is truly in a class by itself, with amenities you won’t find at many other health clubs, including saltwater pools, squash and racquetball courts, basketball courts, a beach club and a yacht, perfect for beautiful sunset cruises around Manhattan.* (more…)

Every Touchpoint Matters.

Just wrote the welcome message for our DiMassimo Goldstein employee Intranet. Thought I’d share:

Welcome to the Growth Agency Network.

If you only remember three words, remember these: EVERY TOUCHPOINT MATTERS

In the center of you there is a double helix of DNA that sets in motion who you become. Clip a fingernail and this same code is there.

In the center of every experience is the truth of the brand. If the reception desk is boring, the brand is boring. If the invoice has no charm, the brand has no charm.

An inspiring receipt. A stylish notepad. A creative collection letter. A box with spots. A one-page owners manual.

Empires have been built on such small things as these.

If it is, it is a part of the brand.

Brand. Driven. Growth. That’s four, five and six. That’s how we do it.

Banner, hang-tag, balloon. Truck to television commercial. If we can do it, we can make it deliver the brand.

Here we tend to these individuals we call brands. We grow and evolve them. And we can tell you what is in the fingernail, before you clip it. (more…)

DiMassimo Goldstein Wins L’Auberge

MediaPost News, By Amy Corr
Pinnacle Entertainment has selected DiMassimo Goldstein as AOR for its L’Auberge branded casinos in Lake Charles and Baton Rouge, LA. The agency is charged with developing and implementing an overarching brand strategy and bringing a new campaign to market including advertising, direct, digital, social, design and media planning and buying.

To see the original post, click here.

We Meet The Enemy On The Social Web.

I was starting to feel I was un-shockable. Working in advertising with lots of young-creative-wired people, I see just about everything, or at least I thought I did.

And then today I discovered Ana. Also known as the Pro Ana movement. Or Proana.

Ana is a global community committed to supporting and encouraging anorexics in their achievement of ever more harrowing weight loss goals.
I’m shocked. And I’m shocked that I’m shocked.

What’s next, Pro-Dep, for people who want to be more depressed? Is there a Pro-OCD community? If so, I don’t want to read the comments!

Best In Show – TradeStation

Growth Key: We can own substance in a world of flash, but in the end, the proof is in the platform.

The category of online trading has no shortage of flash and swagger. Everyone is making similar claims, causing noise and clutter. Our competitors were outspending us 10 – 1. We needed to change the game and the way we use TV by getting people to take our tour and see the TradeStation difference for themselves.

Our multimedia campaign won Consumer Retail Best in Show at the 2013 Annual Financial Communications Society Portfolio Awards.

The 19th annual Financial Communications Society Portfolio Awards recognized last year’s most creative and innovative financial PR, advertising, collateral, and digital media efforts. More than 450 guests attended the event last Thursday at Terminal 5 in Manhattan.