Team DIGO | 01/03/2013 | in

Happy New Year and welcome back!
1. In reference to the privacy policy changes, Instagram released this statement. Your photos are safe—hurray!
2. Facebook 2012 A Year in Review
3. Top 10 Most Influential People on Facebook
4. 75% of World Leaders on Twitter
5. Is Snapchat the Next Frontier for Marketers?
6. Facebook Removing Attribution When Pages Post Via Third-Party Apps
Viral Content:
YouTube’s 20 Most Shared Ads in December
Portlandia Spoil Alert Sketch Spoils Everything
Puppy’s First Christmas
Team DIGO | 12/20/2012 | in

Some more enticing details of the DIGO holiday goodies. That’s DIGO spelled “DiGo” in a festive script font.
Happy Holidays!

Team DIGO | 12/18/2012 | in

You made the move. You invested heavily to put your thought leadership online. Now you’re wondering what happened to all of the cost savings and audience growth you were promised.
Don’t blame digital. For B2B firms that view their online journals as a forum to host an open exchange with readers, the rewards are there. What’s more, the very tools used to create the exchange can be a rich source of data to help guide ongoing marketing efforts.
A more engaged audience–one that is able to interact with a firm through its content–provides a significant, new advantage that few are exploiting. Online interaction provides unprecedented data on exactly which content is most appealing, data that B2B firms can use to rapidly redirect their thought-leadership marketing activities to those with the best chance of attracting client interest. This enables a B2B firm to continuously recalibrate its marketing mix and focus subsequent content-based marketing efforts, including webinars, seminars, microsites, press outreach, and even paid media.
The stakes are significant. According to MarketingProfs 2012 report on B2B content marketing, 90 percent of organizations are using content as part of their marketing, spending more than a quarter of their marketing budgets on content. And yet B2B firms struggle to tie that effort directly to the business development channel.
Read the full article here.
Team DIGO | 12/17/2012 | in

Turns out the Obama Campaign direct marketing and analytics team learned what we’ve learned many times over, that “the casual tone” often works best.
Whether you’re thinking in terms of “direct response,” “click-thru,” or “engagement,” camouflage — looking like something else that would naturally appear in the context and typically invite engagement, like a note from a friend in the email inbox — is typically a highly effective tactic.
According to the Campaign team leader, “The subject lines that worked best were things you might see in your in-box from other people,” Fallsgraff says. “ ‘Hey’ was probably the best one we had over the duration.”
The difference between the best and the rest? Millions of dollars in incremental donations.
So, go forth and be casual. And more that, test!
Read the article in Bloomberg BusinessWeek here.
Team DIGO | 12/14/2012 | in

Double Cross Vodka sponsors some fantastic events. One event was Speak Up for Autism at 1OAK where people came together to raise money for autism. Guests at this event participated in a silent auction while sipping on Double Cross Vodka. Some enjoyed themselves in the Double Cross VIP section where each table had their own bottle of Double Cross Vodka.

Hudson Jeans celebrated their 10th anniversary at Denim Habit. Upon arrival guests received a personalized style appraisal from The Bumbys. Double Cross Vodka provided a special cocktail to honor the anniversary called the Hudson Spice. Guests enjoyed music by DJ JonJon and food by Pop Burgers.
Thanksgiving Double Cross helped the tension of traveling by offering Double Cross Vodka samplings for those in JFK’s terminal 5. They will be doing this again on December 21st. If you are flying out of JFK make sure to go see the Double Cross Vodka bar.

These are just a few of the great events Double Cross has sponsored. When you see Double Cross Vodka is there you know you will have a great time.
Team DIGO | 12/12/2012 | in

The traditional role of the marketer is to influence buyers at the moments they are considering a purchase. But digital platforms and, more pointedly, social media have spread those moments over wider and wider areas, introduced unexpected advisers from unlikely sources, and managed to both contract and expand the consideration process, making it increasingly expensive for marketers to engage prospects and customers at the right times with the right message.
Companies do not need to be sold that social media matters. According to a recent study by McKinsey & Co., 39 percent of companies already use social media services as their primary digital tool to reach customers, and McKinsey expects that number to increase to 47 percent within four years. But, while marketers are embracing social media channels, they are not embracing social media thinking, pushing for bragging rights on “likes” and “followers” rather than looking for ways to engage.
In the B2B space, marketers can leapfrog Social Media Marketing Version 1.0 by building “marketing products” instead of “marketing campaigns.” Social Media Marketing Version 2.0 should integrate social’s ability to foster dialogue with mobile’s always-on connectivity to create products that customers find truly useful. This goes beyond the largely transactional task of managing the customer experience to winning long-term loyalty through products that build relationships.
Read the full article here.
Team DIGO | 12/11/2012 | in

Our client AliveCor recently received FDA approval and a medical grade mobile ECG device, revolutionizing the mHealth industry. The device snaps on the your iPhone 4/4S, and with the quick download of a free app and setting up a free account, medical professionals can now take ECGs anywhere, anytime.
The press release was releases on Monday 12/3, and has been picked up by the likes of the New York Times, Huffington Post, Gizmodo, and FastCompany.
Read the full release in Gizmodo here.
Team DIGO | 12/11/2012 | in
Instinet is the go-to ECN for institutional brokers because of their intense focus on optimizing their technology – to the exclusion of doing a lot of other things that most companies would consider normal.