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Tag : mark dimassimo

Who Wants to Build A Better Banner?

If you read what people are writing about display advertising, you will be tempted to think that the answer is, “Hardly anyone.”
It’s not that people – consumers, users, surfers, people – hate banner ads. It’s the people who make them and use them that hate them.

Inspiring Experiences.

A good friend of mine nearly died when he was 35 years old. Something to do with a heart valve.

He needed an eight-hour operation.

Before the operation, the surgeon looked at my friend and said, “I’m not worried about you. There are going to be 26 experts in the room all working together to make sure that you are OK in every way. I trust these people without question, and I’ll be there every step to make sure. You’ll be OK.”

Then the Dr. turned to my friend’s wife and said, “But I am worried about you. You’ll be off on your own, waiting, and it can feel like an eternity…” The doctor proceeded to tell my friend’s wife some things that would help her get through the waiting and some resources that were available to her. (more…)

Mayor Bloomberg Visits On Deck Capital.

Today, Mayor Bloomberg stopped by our client On Deck Capital for an inaugural press conference at their new office. He spoke about their contribution to the booming New York City technology industry, in both innovation and job growth.

Forbes: Digital Health Comes of Age–AliveCor

John Nosta, Forbes

If 2013 is the year of digital health, then the new AliveCor smart phone ECG is the product of the year.

I’ve had mine for just a few days and find it a significant tool for a host of clinical applications–for just about anyone. Granted, there are FDA restrictions for now, I still believe that digital health has taken a bold step forward and landed in the arena of clinical medicine. Digital health is now moving away from “digital fitness” and taking a foot hold in practice. The applications are vast and significant.