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Tag : mark dimassimo

DIGO Brands AliveCor on Medgadget.

Gene Ostrovsky, Medagadget

AliveCor has announced at the American College of Cardiology annual meeting in San Francisco that its iPhone based ECG heart monitor is now available by prescription. Essentially the same device has been given approval for veterinary use on dogs, cats, and horses, and finally now humans can place their front paws on the electrodes for immediate ECG readouts. These can be sent to a physician, printed out and stored for further reference.

The Most Successful DSE Yet!

ExpoNation asked us to boost the number of registrations for this year’s Digital Signage Expo in Las Vegas. So far, we’ve increased registrations and revenue to a record high, and the registrations are still coming in – so this will be the most successful event in DSE’s ten-year history. The campaign went beyond the immediate benefit of seeing new technology firsthand, although we certainly touted that, too. (more…)

A few social media highlights to start your week…

1. Campaign Highlight: Leading up to The Walking Dead premiere, Toronto agency Leo Burnett set up eight foot tall “walker hands” in the middle of Union Station. Each day a decaying finger was knocked off counting down to the season premiere. Commuters could take pictures with the hands, tweet #TWDFeb10, and be entered to win one of the gross zombie fingers. They also had chained “walkers” attached to the countdown clock with giveaway tshirts ALMOST within arms reach. Read the full story here: Walking Dead’s Gruesome Countdown

2. Burger King’s Twitter account was hacked on Monday with the name and avatar replaced with McDonald’s. While the situation seems terrifying for any brand team/agency, the account also gained 5,000 new followers in 30 minutes and generated a ton of buzz: reactions to Burger King Twitter Hack. While not all mentions were positive about BK, there are some speculating that this could wind up helping Burger King more in the end. What do you think?

DIGO Brands Brand Mascots.

Matt Brownell, AOL Daily Finance

This year’s Super Bowl commercials featured rambunctious geriatrics, cross-dressing husbands and Jamaicans from Minnesota. But mascots, once a staple of the advertising world, were almost completely absent from the night’s proceedings.