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Tag : mark dimassimo

Ping pong might save your career.

Any agency worth its salt has a ping pong table. It’s a pervasive phenomenon, but why?

As David Ogilvy said, “When people aren’t having any fun, they seldom produce good advertising.” There’s definitely been research to back that statement up; one study from Australia showed that cruising the internet just for fun during work hours increased productivity in employees. As the study author put it: “People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration… Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days’ work, and as a result, increased productivity.” (more…)

Be Authentic.

On Fast Company last week, Baratunde Thurston, comedian and former Director of Digital for The Onion, recounted a social media anecdote that would make any digital marketer squirm: he mistakenly activated a 3rd party tool for Twitter that spammed The Onion’s entire following every time they got a new follower. While his story may give me nightmares for weeks, the portion of his piece that really stood out was the importance of brand authenticity within the social space:

“For companies that see this new frontier as a marketing opportunity (and that’s basically all of them), it is a thin line between relevant and creepy stalker. You want to be where the conversation is and join it in an ‘authentic’ way, but just because someone is talking about your product does not mean he wants to talk about it with you. (more…)

DIGO Brands the #1 Respiratory Hospital 15 Years In A Row.

We pride ourselves on doing heroic things for our clients. But working with organizations like National Jewish Health puts that kind of heroism in perspective. In our client’s organization, people are routinely retrieved from death’s door, as NJH is recognized as the world’s leader in curing MDR (Multi-Disease Resistant) lung infections. Returning soldiers have hope of better heath and breathing because of National Jewish Health. The best practices of respiratory medicine, the technology that becomes the standard, and the breakthroughs that give people life and breath… it really is true that the people of National Jewish Health NEVER SAY NEVER. (more…)

Everything about this vodka is great.

Larry Olmstead
Contributor, Forbes

Loyal readers will know that while I cover sprits regularly, I rarely drink or endorse vodka, which I consider the lowest common denominator in the spirits world. Since the basic idea behind making vodka is to erase all flavor – the opposite of just about everything else we eat or drink – it seems kind of pointless. (more…)

Clients are people.

Phil Gable
Creative Director

It seems like a simple enough truth. It doesn’t take that many Venn diagrams to reach this conclusion. But it’s easy to slip into the pattern of viewing clients as just forces in nature that must be overcome, instead of seeing them for what they really are – human beings who happen to be paying us to solve a some of their problems. (more…)

How Curiosity Killed the Cannes Lion.

Are you a student of advertising? Do you absolutely love it? Are you soaking up all the cases, reading all the sites? Are you doing this so much that you leave little time and focus for your own work? This is a challenge many of us face – how to make time to keep up with all the incredible content that can help us do our jobs better, while making the time to focus on doing our jobs, on creating our work. (more…)

Hang Out With A Bad Crowd.

Stuck? Blocked? Or worse, mediocre? Boring? Average?

Maybe you’re hanging out with the wrong ideas. You see, your best ideas aren’t going to be found in a crowd of professionals all dressed for the office. The great idea isn’t the guy wearing the cooler tie. That crowd can’t help you now.

Your best ideas are where you might never think to look. They are right there in the middle of the crowd of your worst ideas. They are with the rude, the preposterous, the angry, the unpolished, and the infantile. (more…)