Team DIGO | 12/16/2013 | in
There’s a tendency to lump all DRTV – short for direct response television – into one bucket. But, if categorization can spell the end of thought, this is a danger.
While there are certain principles that tie a Proactiv infomercial to a Geico commercial, there is a world of essential difference which separates them.
How to know when you are doing a Drive To Apply campaign:
1) You offer a service, membership or other engagement that requires an application.
2) Your media plan includes TV spots and/or Internet videos shorter than two minutes in order to increase reach and/or frequency.
Team DIGO | 07/01/2013 | in
I was starting to feel I was un-shockable. Working in advertising with lots of young-creative-wired people, I see just about everything, or at least I thought I did.
And then today I discovered Ana. Also known as the Pro Ana movement. Or Proana.
Ana is a global community committed to supporting and encouraging anorexics in their achievement of ever more harrowing weight loss goals.
I’m shocked. And I’m shocked that I’m shocked.
What’s next, Pro-Dep, for people who want to be more depressed? Is there a Pro-OCD community? If so, I don’t want to read the comments!
Team DIGO | 07/01/2013 | in
Growth Key: We can own substance in a world of flash, but in the end, the proof is in the platform.
The category of online trading has no shortage of flash and swagger. Everyone is making similar claims, causing noise and clutter. Our competitors were outspending us 10 – 1. We needed to change the game and the way we use TV by getting people to take our tour and see the TradeStation difference for themselves.
Our multimedia campaign won Consumer Retail Best in Show at the 2013 Annual Financial Communications Society Portfolio Awards.
The 19th annual Financial Communications Society Portfolio Awards recognized last year’s most creative and innovative financial PR, advertising, collateral, and digital media efforts. More than 450 guests attended the event last Thursday at Terminal 5 in Manhattan.
Team DIGO | 06/26/2013 | in

Here is the Social Media Update for the week.
1. Instagram Video Don’t Make Me Love You
Instagram has launched a new video option similar to Vines. This will create competition for Twitter’s Vine app. Instagram is ahead of the game, they smartly avoided many of Vine’s initial missteps like leaving out hashtag and front-facing camera support. They also included filters for the videos and longer video durations.
2. Report: Facebook Working on a Flipboard-Like News Reader
Team DIGO | 06/12/2013 | in

Here is the social media update for the week!
1. Why Google Wanted Waze
2. Turtle Wax’s 7% Twitter Engagement Rate Highlights Social Strategy
Team DIGO | 05/29/2013 | in
An agency is a machine that a client uses to get a result.
Maybe someone at Google, or down on Wall Street, thinks Google is a humungous corporation with many business interests.
Google is a wonderful little machine that you use to produce results. Search results, to be precise. If Google wasn’t that first, it would never have become any of those other things.
Team DIGO | 05/14/2013 | in
Because clients that are really fulfilled — fulfilled as people, professionals and clients too — will become life-long clients. And in turn, recommend us. That’s how we grow. Great Clients, Great Work and Great People.

At DiMassimo Goldstein, we put our values in a document we call “The DIGO Standard.” It doesn’t just hang on the walls and sit on our desks and desktops. We use it every day. People who visit often ask for a copy. Here’s yours, and you didn’t even have to ask.
Team DIGO | 05/14/2013 | in
Account management with a mission.
Account management is the heart of the agency. Here’s why:
Let’s start with the word “agency.” The definition I like is from Webster’s: an agency is a person or thing through which power is exerted or an end is achieved.
It is fashionable today to run away from “agency” and to denigrate it’s meaning. For ourselves, we completely reject every departure from a pure agency model. We are here to be used by others to exert power to achieve worthy ends. We reject any proposal that might detract from our operating as a pure agent. We won’t create a conflict of interest, for example by trying to own intellectual property in our creations for our client. We don’t want to get confused.